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Michael Strembitsky Traffic App:

MSS Traffic App

Please keep students and faculty safe in the school’s layby:

NO PARKING In the layby at any time.  It is used as a drop-off zone only and parents must remain with the vehicle at all times

Once a vehicle in the layby exits, please move your vehicle to the next available spot to allow traffic to flow smoothly.

There is no left-hand turn out of the layby during the school day (7:30 am – 3:30 pm).

Please follow in the directions of the staff in reflective vests when in the layby.

Handicap parking stalls are to be used only by vehicles with the handicap placard.

Other expectations that MUST be adhered to:

Do not enter the reserved staff parking lot at any time.

Follow all traffic signage, laws, and use designated crosswalks. There are many children and parents coming to and from school – move slowly and always be on the lookout while you are in your vehicle.

When ambulances or other emergency vehicles move through the area, please pull over immediately.

NO U-turns on Savaryn Drive or 22nd Ave.

Do not jaywalk or drop your child off while in the road (pull over and move to designated crosswalks).

Do not park in crosswalks or near fire hydrants.

Parking in the general vicinity of MSS is extremely limited. Where possible, families are encouraged to walk, carpool or bike to school.  

We continue to work with Edmonton Public Schools, City of Edmonton, Alberta Traffic Safety Council, and the Edmonton Police Services to ensure the safety of our students. However, the best way to ensure your children are safe is for YOU to abide by traffic laws, use common sense, and be a positive role model. As always, parents and community members are always reminded to choose safety over convenience.

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Anti-Idyling Bylaw

Effective January 1, 2013, City Council passed a bylaw that prevents vehicles from idling in designated areas near schools and hospitals. 

The bylaw only applies when the temperatures rise above zero degrees Celsius. Under the bylaw, drivers cannot idle for more than three minutes within any thirty minute period when parked in an area designated as no idling. Bylaw exemptions apply to vehicles licensed to provide public transport, such as school buses and taxis; emergency vehicles; and vehicles transporting medically fragile people.

We all deserve clean air. With your help, we’ll be able to create a healthier environment for our students and school communities. Thank you in advance for your co-operation!